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With over 20 years of experience in endurance coaching, bike-fitting, biomechanics and metabolic testing, Jorge shares his experience with athletes, coaches and teams seeking to broaden their knowledge base, perform metabolic testing and apply a science based approach in order to achieve athletic goals.



Are you a self-coached athlete who needs general feedback on your current training, perhaps you are at a plateau, or you have been struggling with injuries or simply need some fresh ideas? 

Maybe you completed a metabolic test somewhere else and want some help interpreting the data or learning how to apply it to your training, we can help!

Are you a coach who wants to expand your knowledge base & understand how implementing metabolic testing & a science-based approach could enhance your practice & help your athletes achieve a new level?

Are you a team in need of metabolic testing and/or physiological evidence-based approach to enhance your athletes training?

Our consulting service seeks to help address your needs & achieve your goals

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What it Includes?

The consultation takes place via a Zoom call, and you get a recording of the session after it's done. Before the call, together we'll define the agenda to address the most important things relevant to your needs/goals.


The consultation lasts one hour and half. 

The session rate is $150

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